Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1!

Day 1: Self portrait – share basics/make an intro.

It snowed, again.
I took Roscoe out to play in it, he eats the snow.
A few random things/basics/intro:

-Love is the greatest gift we have been given, and it's important for us to give it in return.
-I try my best to be nice to everyone.
1. people.
2. laughing.
3. music.

Day 1: Your middle name, and how you feel about it.


I like my middle name, not necessarily the name itself, but because it's been passed down for generations. My PaPa, my dad, and I have the same middle name. At work we were talking about what our names mean, Nicholas means "Victory of the people" and Ray means "Kingly". 

I think I have a cool name now. :)

According to UrbanDictionary my name means:
1. Sexy (haha)
2. Daydreamer
3. Chill
4. Giver
5. Drifter
6. Amazing friend

(these were the appropriate ones.)

1 comment:

  1. oooh, I like this idea of the pictures and the topic. I might have to join you on it :)
