Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 15!

February 23, 2011

Day 15: A stranger and why you chose them
Day 15: Tell us your favorite junk food

Okay, they aren't really "strangers" but Heather and Ellen, or Heath and Lel, or Luna and Seamus and I, Nico, Neville, went to A&M together. They still go there. I picked them because I haven't seen them in almost a year. (minus seeing ellen at a gas station in Louisiana a month ago for a few minutes) I love them and miss them a lot. We spent more time together than you spend with anyone. Promise. We were in architecture school, so we spent days at a time together, without any sleep, and still got along. Even after being together all the time, we still hung out outside of class. Heather meows a lot, Ellen wrote on my desk a lot, and we all potty danced, kesha danced, ran around the halls, laughed at people, and became best friends. Love you both and miss you.

Favorite junk food:
I like junk food. To pick a favorite is not going to happen. I wikipedia'd 'junk food' and the picture is a bag of pork rinds. I like those, too. 

Day 14!

February 22, 2011

Day 14: Something you craved today
Day 14: Siblings

Something I craved today:
I never crave spaghetti, but I was tonight, and my dad makes the best spaghetti ever. I ate two entire plates. NOM NOM NOM.

I talked about my 2 sisters a few blog/days ago.

Day 13!

February 21, 2011

Day 13: What’s in your fridge
Day 13: Your thoughts or opinions about Mean Girls

In my fridge:

PLEASE watch this:
Bacon is good for me! -Curtis

Mean Girls:
Brilliant. Hilarious. Quotable. Fetch.
Some of it is a true representation of today, though exaggerated, still does a great job.
Ask anyone under 30 or so and they could quote something from this movie.
Boo, you whore!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 12!

February 20, 2011

Day 12: The town/city your reside
Day 12: Your thoughts and opinions on Harry Potter

Town of residence: 
Population: 566

Thoughts on Harry Potter:
I haven't read the books, but I hear they are great, so I will take your word. I love the movies! So I have to say, I think Harry Potter is great. To those people who protest the movies and tell those who enjoy it that they are going to Hell...pull the wand out of your butt. 

Day 11!

February 19, 2011

Day 11: Your family pet(s)
Day 11: Your top 3 favorite bands

Pets are on the day check it.

Top "3" bands:

Well, if you know me, you know that I LOVE music. Every kind. So picking favorites isn't really possible. I will select a few that have always been, and will always be, my favorites. 

1) John Mayer
2) Adele
3) Eminem
4) The Beatles

Day 10!

February 18,  2011

Day 10: TV show you’re currently addicted to
Day 10: Talk about your pets

TV show: I am addicted to Survivor, have been since season 1 back in 2000. I love it, and I want to be on it, but I already look anorexic(which I'm not), I don't think being on an island for weeks without food would help my cause. 

Pets: Having a huge, dysfunctional, split family means you have multiple pets at different homes. I've always loved animals. When I was younger, at different times, I raised/bred/sold Finches, Black bear hamsters, and Gerbils. Having more than 20 of each at times. Through the years I've had lots of birds, lizards, fish, dogs, cats, chickens, goats, cows, horses, hamsters, gerbils... loved it! Now, at my mom's house we have Chloe. At my dad's there's Roscoe & 15 baby chickens. 

<-Chloe & Roscoe->

Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 9!

February 17, 2011

Day 9: A place you visited

Today I just went to work and then out to eat, so I went to some of my oldest photo album on Facebook and picked those. I love traveling. I wish I could just do that forever, and take my friends, too, of course.

I've been to Europe 3 times. Parent's never went. When I was younger, I didn't think much about it. Now as I'm a little older, I see that not all parent's trust the world enough to let their kid go around the world for weeks of the summer. Thanks mom and dad. 
First picture is a statue of Anne Frank outside of her house. We got to crawl through the secret hole behind the book shelf and see where the Franks hid. So amazing. I love stuff about that. We also went to a concentration camp. 
Second, is a picture of 5 of us students who all ran off from the tour group to take a picture in front of the  Iamsterdam sign. I'm in front of the M. 
Third, standing in front of a castle. 

Day 9: Favorite meme at the moment:

I had to look up what "meme" meant, and I am still not sure I got it right, but I like what I found so I will use it.. it's like your favorite thing on the internet... well I have so many.. I'll list a few:

Following @LMAOTwitpics on twitter.

Day 8!

February 16, 2011

Day 8: Something you dislike

No surprise here:

VEGETABLES! (and most fruits, too)
I know it's unhealthy, but I don't really care. I don't like them. I'm a carnivore. haha. 

Day 8: Are you a fitness guru or a couch potato? talk about exercise habits 

Perfect question. Well, obviously I am a couch potato. I do love to work out, just doesn't happen often and doesn't do anything for me. I love running. I can go run all the time and it won't bother me, in fact, it makes my day a lot better. 

Day 7!

February 15, 2011

Day 7: Something you ate today

I'm the worst eater. If you know me, you know that I eat whatever I want, whenever I want. I have the world's greatest metabolism. It's a love/hate relationship. I would like to have muscles, but I could get muscle implants and my body would just digest those too. 

Today, for a snack, I had a couple of things...

Peanut Butter! Spoonfuls at a time! & Peanut butter Fudge! yum. & the chocolate covered pretzel. & Those little peanut butter candy things... ahh. I guess it's safe to say that I like peanut butter. :)

Day 7: How you came across blogspot & how it changes your life:

I had a Xanga back in the day, so cool I know, and then everyone migrated to Myspace, now everyone has Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and what not... I would randomly see people's blogs on blogspot, and so I decided to start mine. So there. It's changed my life but giving me something else to fill my day with, but I like it, it's.... nice...To just write about random things, even if it is dumb stuff. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 6!

February 14, 2011

Day 6: A representation of your day – what do you do?

A lot of the time, my days feel like this:

I'm an insomniac so it feels like everything keeps going, all the time.
This is an old picture, I still had my piercings. 

Day 6: Your favorite season, and why:

Winter. Texas winter that is. Texas winters like to be about 70 degrees most of the time, and then one day it will decide to snow about a foot and shut the state down for about a week, and then go back to swimming weather immediately. 

Day 5!

February 13, 2011

Day 5: Your humble abode
This means home, and I'm about to get really cheesy here, but the old saying "home is where the heart is" is what I'm going with here.
This is supposed to be a heart...but I failed, oh well.

Day 5: Tell us about your three favorite colors:

I'm glad it said three, because I have three favorite colors, they switch often as to which is my most favorite at the moment. I am colorblind, so sometimes I see my colors different than you. For instance, one of my favorites is when the moon is orange-ish to you, it's lime green to me. 

Green: How can you not like green? Ninja Turtles, trees, money, Christmas, Mavericks, Dallas Stars, Greenbay Packers.
Blue: I love blue. Water, eyes, Dallas Cowboys, Texas Rangers, blue sky on a clear day at the lake, I love water, so blue is always a favorite. ahh.
Black: Okay, black is awesome, and no I'm not gothic, I just think everything looks cool in black.

Day 4!

February 12, 2011

Day 4: What’s in your bag?

Not much is in my bag:
Shirt, beanie, MacBook, some quarters, a broken pencil, and an old wheat thin that somehow fell in there. (I often carry Wheat Thins around, they're one of my favorite snacks) haha

Day 4: Write about your closest friend:

I love telling everyone about my closest friends because I love them, but I hate it because you always have someone who feels left out. So I'm going to write a few brief ones, but if you're not on here and you think we are good friends, chances are, we are, I just am not going to write everyone, not yet at least, my pizza is almost ready. :)

Logan Marcum: Been my best friend for about 8 years. We couldn't be anymore different either, he was the crazy one and I was the quiet shy one, was. He recently became a United States Marine. Proud of you bro, love you!

Christina Gibson: Saved my life 8 years ago, and has been a constant best friend since, helping me through a lot. She's going to be the best teacher, I'll move near her school so my kids will have her. ha. I love you!

Justin Martin: I haven't even known you a year yet, but we became best friends instantly, and I feel like I've known you for a long long time. You've been one of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for. and you're one of the funniest people I've ever met. love you!

See, I have to stop, and now I can name so many people that I want to write to. If you want a brief friend description that bad, let me know and I will write one for you. haha. I love you all, I wouldn't be who I am today without any of you. and I honestly mean it, I love everyone.

Day 3!

I have been out of town, so I will now catch up. 

Day 3: Something you bought today

Friday, February 11, 2011

Today I bought two things: Music & Food. 
Two of my favorite things in the world. I didn't grab a picture of my food, but I had Wendy's. If you haven't had their sea salt fries, go try them. I am addicted. 
The picture is of The Scripts new single, "For the First Time", obviously the picture tells you that, but I told you anyway. When I buy music, I buy a lot at one time. This is just one song, I bought a mixture from rap to country. Btw, If you haven't heard of Adele, you need to go listen to her.

Day 3: Your Favorite television program:

I know it's over, but LOST will forever and always be the best show in television history. You can't go wrong with some Friends either. I'm a reality tv junky. I love Survivor, I've watched every episode of every season. Big Brother, American Idol, The Real World, Amazing Race... All good stuff.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 2!

Day 2: Someone you love and respect – 5 reasons why

I love a lot of people, and could have picked a few to do this about, but I decided, for now, to post about my little sisters.

Here they are:


My little sisters:

1) We are full-blooded siblings, but couldn't be more different. Natalie, 19, is the shortest in our family. Valerie, 15, is the same height as our parents. I am the tallest. 

2) We've been through a lot, both individually and together. Growing up was full of challenges, but we've all come through it together.

3) Growing up, we hated each other, mainly Natalie and I. We both have scars for proof. Within the last few years we have grown really close, and we all get along great, much to the surprise of our family. haha

4) We ALWAYS have fun when we hang out. We are a crazy family, never a dull moment, and you have to have a thick skin to hang with us. 

5) No matter how many fights, cuts, bruises, bloody noses, stolen toys, knocked over lincoln logs, barbies hung on the fan, beanie baby fights, stolen clothes..we still love each other, and we have each others back. 


Day 2: Talk about your tattoos and piercings. 

I have two tattoos, working on a third.

My first one is a John 3:16 written out in the shape of a cross on my back, got that when I was 19. (you can see it in the mirror)

My second is LOVE in Hebrew on my ribs, had that done last year.

Okay, I had a little rebellious streak and had my eyebrow and lip pierced, but they have grown back. Here's pictures. haha

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 1!

Day 1: Self portrait – share basics/make an intro.

It snowed, again.
I took Roscoe out to play in it, he eats the snow.
A few random things/basics/intro:

-Love is the greatest gift we have been given, and it's important for us to give it in return.
-I try my best to be nice to everyone.
1. people.
2. laughing.
3. music.

Day 1: Your middle name, and how you feel about it.


I like my middle name, not necessarily the name itself, but because it's been passed down for generations. My PaPa, my dad, and I have the same middle name. At work we were talking about what our names mean, Nicholas means "Victory of the people" and Ray means "Kingly". 

I think I have a cool name now. :)

According to UrbanDictionary my name means:
1. Sexy (haha)
2. Daydreamer
3. Chill
4. Giver
5. Drifter
6. Amazing friend

(these were the appropriate ones.)

I can't make up my mind.

Reworking the blog thing before I even started.

I took the ideas from Hannah and Avery. Thanks guys!



* Day 1: Self portrait – share basics/make an intro.
* Day 2: Someone you adore – 5 reasons why
* Day 3: Something you bought today
* Day 4: What’s in your bag?
* Day 5: Your humble abode
* Day 6: A representation of your day – what do you do?
* Day 7: Something you ate today
* Day 8: Something you dislike
* Day 9: A place you visited
* Day 10: TV show you’re currently addicted to
* Day 11: Your family pet(s)
* Day 12: The town/city your reside
* Day 13: What’s in your fridge
* Day 14: Something you craved today
* Day 15: A stranger and why you chose them
* Day 16: Your closet
* Day 17: A place you went today
* Day 18: Something you collect
* Day 19: Favorite part of yourself and why
* Day 20: A hobby you have
* Day 21: Your parents
* Day 22: Your room as it is right now
* Day 23: Go some where you’ve never been & take a picture
* Day 24: Something you find funny
* Day 25: Self portrait myspace-esque
* Day 26: Where you go to relax/get away
* Day 27: Something that gives you purpose
* Day 28: A before & after shot of anything
* Day 29: An action shot
* Day 30: Another self portrait
* Day 31: Something that always makes you smile

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Take a look back.

So I will start the letter thing soon, I just didn't feel like doing it tonight, but I do feel like blogging.

I'm going to find some old pictures on my phone and post them. I like pictures.

Very first picture taken from my iPhone: July 21, 2007. Me & Jana at the Smithsonian in Washington D.C

 Brooke, me, Jana at the White house in 2007. haha

 Joe Jonas... nah, it's me. haha Just kidding.

 I got to meet Flyleaf. That's me in the middle, behind the girl. I felt apart of the band. 

 Site kids from 2009. I miss this.

 Cow Appreciation day at Chick Fil A, free food, gotta do whatcha gotta do.

 Someone's boat in Destin, FL. 

 Just another day in Aggieland.

 You can see both my tattoos (the other is in the mirror)

 This really cool house we toured in one of my architecture studio classes

 Sam and I in college station.

 Owl City responded to me on twitter. AHH.

 Program Training in NC, pic taken from Hipstamatic

Lake down the road from my grandparents, taken on Hipstamatic.

It's fun to go back and look at all these pictures. I like pictures, it brings back good memories. It's easy to get caught up in this world, in the negativity, and see the down side to everything. It's easy to feel bad for yourself. It's easy to see your faults, to see a problem; The hard part is doing something about it. Nobody wants to be negative, just like nobody wants to be around a negative person. It's easy to look at old pictures and remember the good stuff and the bad stuff. I can look at each pictures above and think about when it was taken, who was around, what happened before and after, what happened on that trip, that day, that week, I can remember the good and the bad. But I choose to remember the good. If you could take a picture of today, of right now, and look back on it in the future, would you be happy with what you are doing, with how you are handling it? Would you want to be around the person you are? If not, change it. Do something about it. Look for the good in all things, and forget the bad, because it will only keep you down. 

I felt like Dr. Phil for a minute. That was fun.

I love you all.